Прокуратура провела комплексную проверку работы Управления Росреестра по Ленобласти. Она выявила многочисленные нарушения, сообщил телеграм-канал надзорного ведомства.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that the Prosecutor's Office in Leningrad Oblast conducted an inspection of the Rosreestr (Russian Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography) and found multiple violations of the law.
These violations included:
* Failure to comply with legal requirements by officials
* Delays in providing services to citizens
* Improper legal expertise
* Providing false information during supervisory activities
As a result, disciplinary action was taken against three officials and the head of the Rosreestr branch was given an ultimatum to rectify the situation.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that the Prosecutor's Office in Leningrad Oblast conducted an inspection of the Rosreestr (Russian Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography) and found multiple violations of the law. These violations included: * Failure to comply with legal requirements by officials * Delays in providing services to citizens * Improper legal expertise * Providing false information during supervisory activities As a result, disciplinary action was taken against three officials and the head of the Rosreestr branch was given an ultimatum to rectify the situation.